Saturday, June 5, 2010

Can Sorrow be turned to Joy?

Can sorrow be turned to Joy? That was my journal entry for 5-24-2010. I have spent days contemplating that thought. The majority of the time spent at this place I try to either work, study, pray, exercise or sleep. I search for places to retreat into silence. It is hard to do. Many seek me out to talk and much of my time is spent listening to family problems, convictions, sentencing issues, and a host of other issues of equal or lesser value. For many here the sorrow now stems from the pain that sits upon their families. They want to provide & protect. You can tell in their faces and between their words that they are resentful and are ready to fulfill the duties of which are required as Fathers, husbands, and children. There is another subsection that have no sorrow. They have a roof, 3 squares and ample time to figure how they can do it better next time. Another group is that of no sorrow. They do not know how. They have been here to long. They feel nothing other than angst in having to move into a world in which they not lived in for 10, 15, 20 years. Its sad and it breaks my heart. I talk to each. They are looking for that joy, even the ones that don't care. I know they must think about it deep inside. This place is another world. The chains are heavy but with God's help they can be broken. The issues with each are strong. I pray that God will give me correct words daily to speak and that I will be a light in this dark black place. That he will strengthen because the burdens of many weigh heavy when they are constant on the mind. I hear many. No matter were we are in life we can listen to others. Joy can come from sorrow. Peace can come from despair, Except it and it will happen.

"A Christian is a key hole through which other folks see God" -Robert E.Gibson

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in you." Isaiah 26:3

BMO 2010


  1. BMO,
    Please continue to post on this blog. It is very encouraging to here things that we take for granted in our everyday lives. We think we are confined with work and daily lives but the only reason for our confinement is that we have not asked the LORD to set us free.


  2. Bryan, I thank God for you! Not because you are family, not because you are the Father of 3 of my precious nieces and nephews, not because you are the husband of my dear friend, not because you are the son of my second mom, and not even because you are the dear brother of my very best friend. Yes, any of those reasons would be enough in their own right. I thank God for you because you could quite possibly be the one person in this whole world that plays a part in whether even one man there comes to know the Lord personally and will spend eternity with Jesus and not a future with the evil one. What a blessing after spending time in what they "think" may be Hell, to go on to such a sweet life with the only Savior....Jesus Christ!

    You are that key hole for them and the more time you have with them and the closer they get to you the bigger the light through the keyhole becomes!

