Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Warriors Trust,

Imagine, if you will, the trust that a warrior must exhibit in battle. It must transcend all understanding, to rely upon a Commander that may be setting a plan that he must follow. No questions asked. No thought of it being the right course of action. He must receive his orders and execute them with precision and without question. To question them would make the warrior vulnerable. For the warrior does not see the whole battlefield. He does not see bullets and the bombs that land around his foxhole. He is pinned down only being able to return action on what he sees. The threats that lay before him and his vision becomes narrow. The Commander sees the whole war. He sees where the enemy is deployed and the threats out of your realm. To thwart a counter attack that may be threatening you from the rear.

This week I questioned my Commander. As I lay pinned down under the heavy fire I questioned His plan. Things were blowing up around me. I could not see the other soldiers fighting through the battles of this world and I felt so alone. I received reports from the front that the war was raging. Yet I sat in my foxhole unable to move and engage in anything. I finally realized in my distress that I could request central command for support from above. The Commander knew that battle that raged and in His wisdom He was contemplating what he would allow to be taken and what he would do to save. I understand now that He actually does care. He is not concerned with the battle as His thoughts are totally focused on the war.

During the battle there are times to reflect. To think about all the parts of this plan that I could control. All that I could do was trust in His plan and to know that He knew the big picture. My thoughts raced back to my memories of the Israelites exodus from Egypt. Their battle raged all around them. They were allowed to leave Egypt only to be later pursued by one of the greatest armies know to the world at that time. What lay before them was the vast Red Sea and behind them the army that was gaining fast. To the warrior it seemed that there was no escape. It was death before them and destruction behind. Doubt and fear and terror took over. Then it happened that through the faith of a single field general that the Supreme Commander made walls of water through a vast and open sea. Each warrior who passed through the deliverance had doubted the field general and Commander and and they were ashamed of their mistrust. They did not see the whole plan, only seeing what lay before them and behind. We cannot dread any result of the Commanders will if we are obedient. WE must trust and become the liberty that sets us free at a later date. It may be that all we can do is fight our small battle. Our only job may be that of the radio operator. A job that calls in the coordinates for support . The Commander hears the call. We must allow Him to deploy. He may vary well decide to give up that hill in battle so the war may be won.

Then the Lord said to Moses, " Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward" Exodus 14:15

Hear me Lord and I will go forward. I am at Your command.

In Your service,


  1. You are so right! Don't ever question the plan. He knows exactly how much you are impacting people inside and out. B...keep it up!

  2. Great insight and confidence in the Lord (Commander) even in tribulation. You have to keep this up it is impacting everyone that reads it.

  3. You are our brother, and this WHOLE FAMILY does not come in from the battlefield without all its members!!!! Satan will never have his victory in this family, so he can just stay in HELL! Yes you are a Warrior who knows where his strength comes from. We all will keep fighting!

    Your sister,

  4. Hey big Daddy..!! I have completely enjoyed your blog here... It's great to hear your thoughts and inspiration again..!

    Hang tight my good friend,,
    Thanks for your insight.!

  5. As I read thru this I thought of Peter taking those first few steps on the water and then questioning the Commander's order Matthew 14:27 "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.". What happens... we fall... Keep your eyes on him. Thanks for sharing.. very powerful...

  6. Brian, I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed your blog. Keep writing, keep teaching, keep growing, keep soldiering on! The battle-plan is His and if He chooses not to invite me into the war room to strategize...well, so much the better. I would only second guess, hesitate, and act out of fear. To remember that "the battle is the Lord's" is to have peace and the confidence to continue the fight.

    Bless you brother!
